Tisalabs Knowledge Base

How can I confirm asset ownership with a text file?

Predictive offers TXT File Asset Ownership Verification, one of the most popular ownership verification methods. 

This method allows you to verify your asset by simply uploading a TXT file with a specific content to the root directory of your asset.

1. Open the verification modal

Open the verification modal by clicking on the Verify Asset button:


2. Select the Upload TXT File Option

One the modal opens 2 options are offered, select the first option, Upload TXT File:


3. Download the TXT

Click on the Download Verification File button.


4. Upload the file to the root of your Asset

Upload the file to the root directory of your Asset. This can be different depending on what technology you are using, here are some common examples:

  • Firebase:
    1. Copy the TXT file into the base of the public folder:

    2. Deploy the application again. 


  • Wordpress:
    1. Access the Website Admin Panel:

    2. Locate and open the File Manager:

    3. Navigate to the root directory, this is usually named public_html, www or might be named after your domain, in this example it's called wordpress:

    4. Once within the folder click on the upload button and choose the TXT file:

    5. Confirm the file has been uploaded succesfully by checking the folder again:

  • FTP Client:
    1. Use an FTP client (e.g.,WinSCP, FileZilla) to connect to your website. Enter your FTP credentials (host, username, password, and port):

    2. Once connected, find the root directory on the server (usually public_html) for our example is in the /var/www/wordpress:

    3. On the local side, navigate to the folder containing your TXT file:

    4. Drag and drop the TXT file into the root directory on the server side:

5. Verify the TXT file is publicly available:

Try to access the file using a browser by navigating to https://yourdomain.com/filename.txt

In our example we are using https://predictive.tisalabs.com/filename.txt


6.Verify Asset

Click on the Verify button:


This process will not take more than a few short seconds, once your domain has been verified you will see a success message in the modal and you can remove theh file from the Asset.


7. Get full access to your asset

Now you have full access to your asset, you will see that the Verify Asset button dissapeared and in place you have the Configure and Start button:


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